Back in June of 2017, it was announced that Health Canada would be taking aim at junk food ads that target kids. It was good news! Then just a couple of days later, news of this study hit the presses: "Teaching Children About Immunization in a Digital Age." It is a study which recommends advertising vaccines to school children, as if that would be so much better than advertising junk food. It's an insidious plan to program children by using positive digital messages about vaccines so that the next generation of vaccinators will be immune to anti-vaccine ideas. To quote the study, here is what these Canadian researchers are 'strongly' recommending to our public health officials: “In the case of immunization, most children's experience with vaccination is negative, a shot in the arm. However, the opportunity exists to create positive, accurate “prejudices” in a fun and interactive way and mobile devices provide a way to deliver these messages to children. Having these available on mobile heath apps would enable parents to have their bored children learn about the immune system and vaccination while waiting to see their health care provider. These initiatives should complement efforts to introduce immunization education in school curricula. We strongly recommend that public health officials identify the most effective ways to deliver positive digital messages to children and protect the next generation of vaccinators from anti-vaccine ideas. And messaging that works on children just may also work on adults.” Advertising is Advertising
I think we all need a break from all the fear mongering and crazy media frenzy around vaccination. Let's instead just look calmly and clearly at a couple of key things that all parents need to know. Grab a cuppa and read on for some reassurance about how to keep your children healthy. Building Natural Immunity With Food
“The decision not to vaccinate does not mean that parents can be careless about protecting their children from disease. While some of the illnesses we vaccinate for are extremely rare (tetanus, diphtheria), unlikely to cause harm to children (chicken pox, mumps, rubella) or not a threat to children (hepatitis B), others like measles or polio can have serious consequences in poorly nourished youngsters. It’s up to parents to provide the kind of diet that will give their child robust natural immunity— that’s the same kind of diet that will give a child good health overall. It’s also a diet that can help your child recover from vaccination injuries.
Here’s a list of recommendations to keep your children healthy and strong: Moms are getting kicked out of Facebook groups for bringing up the V-word (and no, it's not vagina)! I've heard from so many young moms lately who have been shamed and dumped from parenting support groups. Their crime? They just want to discuss what WAPF rightly says is the most important decision they will ever make for their child: VACCINES. Seriously! How have we gotten to this place? How have some young parents allowed themselves to be so programmed and lulled away from reality, to think that it is OK to censor each other as if they are obediently following some corporate edict or sales pitch? Is this the modern day version of book burning when discussions about vaccines are NOT ALLOWED? This discord is so extreme, it has even resulted in a British Columbia mother launching a petition to Adrian Dix, Minister of Health, demanding that vaccines be mandated in BC schools. This uninformed mom is obviously unaware that because of our Charter of Rights and Freedoms, vaccines cannot be mandated in Canada without changing our Constitution. What she is naively demanding is essentially that medical tyranny be installed in place of informed consent and our right to bodily autonomy. It's hard to fathom how one mother feels she can appoint herself as dictator of the personal health decisions of an entire province of other parents and their children. And what is even harder to fathom, is that many people have jumped on board and signed her petition (almost 29,000 and counting). It's really baffling that this petition is getting all kinds of press - well maybe not all that baffling.
Through freedom of information requests, it has been revealed that British Columbia's current Minister of Health, the Honourable Adrian Dix, and all the Ministers of Health that precede him going back to Minister George Abbott in 2008, have not received complete and updated briefing notes on the topic of unpasteurized milk - FOR TEN YEARS.
do canada's dietary guidelines need fixing?Oh, yes, in fact they should have been fixed over thirty-five years ago! Over that time, there has been a sharp increase in chronic disease with ever rising rates of diabetes and obesity. Children are suffering in epidemic numbers with food allergies, asthma, diabetes, obesity, cancer, chronic bowel disorders, and autism spectrum disorders. Drastic change is needed to restore the Canadian diet to the traditional healing foods of our ancestors - clean, nutrient-dense real foods that sustain health and protect from disease.
However, BC's Provincial Health Officer (Dr. Bonnie Henry) appears to have little knowledge about homeopathy and because the remedy that Dr. Zimmermann used is derived from rabid dog saliva (Lyssinum), nothing short of a media shit storm of rabid commentary followed. Note that Lyssinum has been used safely in homeopathy for nearly 200 years. Dr. Henry's stated "grave concerns" around the use of the remedy and her call for Health Canada to investigate caused a feeding frenzy in mainstream newswires including the CBC, Global News, the Washington Post, the Seattle Times among many others around the world. As a result of this widely publicized media attack on homeopathy and alternative healing therapies, letters of complaint have been sent to BC's Minister of Health, Adrian Dix. What follows are three such letters.
UPDATED to include new Parliamentary Petition! Let's tell PARLIAMENT that our dietary guidelines are NOT evidence based. SIGN and share this new parliamentary petition on 'Front of Package' warnings for salt and saturated fat, and the need for an external scientific review of the evidence base. Sign here: What are the Good Folks at Health Canada Thinking? What's Wrong with our Guidelines? Canada's Food Guide has historically relied upon the US Dietary Guidelines which have recently been found to lack scientific rigour by the National Academies of Science Engineering and Medicine.
Health Canada's Proposed Front of Package Warning Labels It's easy to see the justification for the warning about sugar, of course, but health professionals have grave concerns over this move to restrict health-giving saturated fats and salt.
My hope is that this recap accomplishes two things. One is that it offers a clear, evidence-based overview of why WAPF recommends a Wise Traditions diet, and two is that it reveals, with little uncertainty the reason for the title, "The Eleventh Hour."
Sponsored by the British Columbia Herdshare Association (BCHA)
The California-based Raw Milk Institute. (est. 2011) has developed an on-farm food safety (OFFS) program called the "Risk Analysis and Management Planning" (RAMP) system, which train farmers in production methods that prevent contamination and preserve quality. The BCHA (est. 2014) provides this training to farmers in British Columbia.
Do you think our local farmers have the right to produce raw milk, and do British Columbia consumers have the right to buy it? Why do canadian consumers want raw milk?**UPDATED** Are you ready for the push to comply with the Adult Immunization Schedule? Ready or not, it is here. Vaccines were designed to protect us from epidemics of infectious disease. The only epidemic we see in Canada, is one of chronic illness and autoimmune disease. As sadly ironic as it is, evidence builds everyday that adjuvants in vaccines are implicated in this unprecedented epidemic of illness. Aluminum in Vaccines - A Cause for Concern Here are the vaccines Health Canada has listed on its Adult Immunization Schedule: Diphtheria, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Herpes zoster (shingles), Human papillomavirus (HPV), Influenza, Measles, Mumps, Meningococcal, Pertussis (whooping cough), Pneumococcal, Polio, Rubella, Tetanus and Varicella (chicken pox). The grand total of aluminum present in these injections (it is not present in the live virus vaccines) equals approximately 2,729mcg. The 'safe' level of injected aluminum in adults is ... well, that has not been established. Aluminum is assumed to be safe without any testing to prove that it is in fact safe to be injected as an adjuvant. To this day aluminum has not been tested for safety in vaccines. It is well known that aluminum accumulates in bone and brain, and that it causes neurological damage. The other day I was asked to fill out a questionnaire in order to establish what programs for seniors would be most beneficial in our community. I have to admit to what felt like a severe spike in my blood pressure when I read, included along with the normally expected boxes to tick (things like Falls Prevention, Financial Advice, Housing) was an item called, "Supporting Grandchildren Diagnosed with Autism." It's become such a widespread diagnosis that it is just included there like it is normal! I shudder to think of how many grandparents have a need for that program. How did this happen?
Raw milk can truly be a life-saving food and has been shown to help with asthma, allergies and many other conditions. And the taste - delicious! In most countries of the world, this traditional, real and unprocessed food is widely available. Why not in Canada?
When I first learned that a large group of Canadian physicians had signed on to a petition to change Canada’s food guide what really grabbed my attention was a reference to this book in the open letter attached to the petition: “Price, Weston. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: A Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets and Their Effects.” I’m a chapter leader for the Victoria Weston A. Price Foundation® (WAPF). I contacted the physician who started the petition, Dr. Barbra Allen Bradshaw, and asked her if WAPF could assist in her efforts to promote the petition. She was happy to accept the offer of help.
AuthorLinda Morken, WAPFTM Volunteer Chapter Leader in Sooke, British Columbia, Canada Check out our FACEBOOK page!
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Let's Change Canada's Food Guide (originally published in May 2017 Rural Observer)