![]() I saw the movie Vaxxed for the second time the other day. That's not so unusual, but what is different is where I saw it this time. It was screened in the community theatre at a local school here on Vancouver Island, and that has done more than raise a few eyebrows. In the community of Sooke, just outside of Victoria, Awareness Film Night's announcement of plans to show Vaxxed in a local school's community theatre, caused a bit of a stir. AFN's mandate for the past 22 years has been to invite our community's film-goers to question what they see, hear and read via the mainstream media. They have done a fantastic job of showing many excellent, controversial films. Vaxxed could be considered the most controversial of them all. Unfortunately though, several school trustees have now voiced their concern that by showing the film on school premises, the reputation of the School Board has been tarnished. The reputation of the School Board has been tarnished? I'm having a hard time understanding that view. The film Vaxxed raises concerns about the safety of vaccines and reveals corruption at the CDC. School officials and teachers have always been advocates for children. One would think they would be all over finding out what is going on. Any school trustee or teacher can attest to the failing health of today's children. At every school you will find epi pens and a bevy of student prescription medications. Staff must be ready to respond to emergencies like seizures, asthma attacks and anaphylactic shock. Teaching is more difficult each year as more children develop life-threatening allergies, ASD, cancer, asthma, diabetes, the sad list goes on. Every classroom has kids with chronic illness and special needs, as never seen before. Honest science, free from Big Pharma influence, predicts that by the time children are entering school just 15 years from now, fully half of them, and 80% of boys, will be autistic. What will teaching be like then? How will families cope? How will society even function? Experts tell us that the cause of this crisis in children's health is environmental. What could it be in our environment that is devastating the health of so very many children? Most people can easily understand that it's not a good idea to feed children foods that have been laced with agricultural poisons and altered with foreign DNA, or food that has neurotoxic additives. Most people can also agree that children may be well-fed but mal-nourished with today's processed junk masquerading as food. So why then is it such a reach to consider that another possible part of the puzzle could be the foreign DNA, toxic chemicals and heavy metals found in vaccines? Why on earth would this topic be off limits? The standard line that has become almost like a religious chant is, "The science is settled, vaccines are safe and effective." This phrase is parroted over and over but it has no backing. For example, there isn't a single study that proves the safety of including mercury in vaccines, yet it is still present. Doctors to whom we look for protection, recommend vaccines across the board, some call for mandating them, even though there are plenty of studies and referenced articles that outline mercury's serious risk to health and the link between adjuvants and chronic inflammation of body and brain. Generally, most physicians and nurses would be hard pressed to tell you exactly what's in vaccines. We have to consider that we all, including health care providers with the very best of intentions, are being duped and controlled by the pharmaceutical industry. Of course Big Pharma is going to promote their products through controlling means (they are set to make an unconscionable $61 Billion in profits by 2020). They are not held accountable if something goes wrong with a vaccine. These powerful, bigger-than-oil corporations have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I was surprised to learn that in med school (sponsored and supported by the generosity of Big Pharma), doctors aren't taught much about vaccines beyond how to talk vaccine-hesitant parents into vaccinating and how to follow the schedule. They do know, though, that should a multi-dose vial be accidentally broken in their office they had best call the Hazmat people to come over in their moon suits for a clean-up. Their building would have to be evacuated from this spill of mercury, yet somehow it's OK to inject this poison into pregnant women and children. Ironically, pregnant moms are cautioned to restrict tuna fish in their diets, even though that source of mercury is far less than what is in the flu vaccines that are now being pushed upon them and their unborn babies. For perspective regarding the quantity of mercury in vaccines, take a look at these stats from the fully referenced WAPF Vaccination Index:
Today's pregnant moms routinely receive strong recommendations for influenza vaccination (remember, there is still mercury in those), as well as for hepatitis B, tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (Tdap), polio, meningococcal and pneumococcal vaccines. Again, no studies have been done to show this is safe. In New Brunswick, Northwest Territories and Nunavut, infants are injected with a first dose of Hepatitis B vaccine within hours of birth. This is a vaccine for a disease that is spread sexually and through IV drug use. Mothers could be tested for it, but instead the policy is to just go ahead and give every newborn the shot. The same is done for every newborn in the US where the vaccination rate is highest in the world, together with one of the highest infant mortality rates in the developed world. Here's what is in Hep B: amino acids, aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate, dextrose, formaldehyde or formalin, mineral salts, sodium borate, soy peptone, yeast protein. There are no studies proving the safety of injecting aluminum, or any other heavy metal into human infants. New studies show that every human vaccine tested showed the presence of micro- and nano-sized particulate matter composed of inorganic elements linked to cancer and autoimmune disease, with none declared in the product ingredient lists. The movie Vaxxed has shown without question the need for an investigation into vaccine safety and fraud at the CDC (it turns out that the CDC is the vaccine industry with over 20 patents - a blatant example of undisclosed conflicts of interests in vaccine safety). The film has given voice to thousands upon thousands of parents who are saying the same tragic thing: My child was fine and developing normally, until the vaccine injury. Their experiences underscore the of folly of vaccine mandates and a one-size-fits-all approach to health. There are many additional and reliable documentaries, books and websites where honest information can be found about vaccines. Learn about protecting health with nourishing traditional foods and with nurturing therapies that are never toxic. Vaccine Choice Canada is a priceless resource which empowers families to make educated, voluntary, and informed decisions about vaccination, supports people in their right to health freedom, and freedom from enforced medication. VCC offers support and guidance to parents whose children have suffered adverse reactions and injuries from vaccines. Let our minds be open enough to consider that, “Yes, there is something very wrong here. Let's find out what's going on for the sake of the children, and for all of our sakes.” The movie Vaxxed is available via live streaming. If you haven't seen it yet, please do. In fact, as a mom and grandmother who has seen vaccine injury close up, I challenge you to ask your local School Board to show Vaxxed in your community's schools. Why not?
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AuthorLinda Morken, WAPFTM Volunteer Chapter Leader in Sooke, British Columbia, Canada Check out our FACEBOOK page!
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