Except if it has been the last seventy years. The end of the Second World War saw the beginning of the Baby Boomer years (1946 - 1964). Everyone was having babies, and the vast majority of children in North America were doing very well. They certainly had better health than what is seen in children today. Things like childhood cancer, asthma, adult onset diabetes in children, obesity, life-threatening food allergies, autism and that whole spectrum of disorders were rarely seen. It's astonishing how things have changed in just 70 years. we are in the midst of an epidemic of childhood illnessIt's almost impossible to believe, in our modern world with every convenience and plenty of food, that the health of our children is in extreme peril. The reality is that there is a crisis in children's health as never before seen. Researchers predict that in 15 years, half of all children in N. America will have autism (80% of boys). POOR FOOD LINKED TO |
As Dr. Price revealed in his groundbreaking research, the processed 'foods of commerce' as he called them, go hand in hand with physical degeneration. Nourishing traditional food never has needed altering, nor a chemist's label. |
Fundamental to the widespread loss of good health, especially in children, is the long-standing flawed advice to avoid wonderfully nourishing foods like butter and animal fats. Decades old dishonest science and hugely successful marketing of processed foods that contain industrial seed oils convinced consumers to avoid saturated fats in a vain attempt to lower the risk of heart attacks.
Canola oil was in and the healthy animal fats that have sustained humans forever were out. Infant formula was touted as better than breast, and today it's main ingredients are sugar or lactose, dried skim milk and refined vegetable oil which can include genetically modified components. Feeding soy based infant formula is the equivalent to giving baby 5 or 6 birth control pills per day.
Canola oil was in and the healthy animal fats that have sustained humans forever were out. Infant formula was touted as better than breast, and today it's main ingredients are sugar or lactose, dried skim milk and refined vegetable oil which can include genetically modified components. Feeding soy based infant formula is the equivalent to giving baby 5 or 6 birth control pills per day.
"we are receiving genocidal nutrition advice"
Food that doesn't nourish, toxic residues and additives are a huge disadvantage to children's health. Consider as well, the toxic load of harmful substances that are in vaccines. There is a catastrophic synergy between glyphosate (Roundup) and aluminum found in vaccines. Other adjuvants, including mercury, lead to neurotoxic brain injury and destruction of healthy gut microbiomes.
What is most disturbing is that there are almost 300 new vaccines set to come on the market, and public health policy is pushing to mandate vaccine compliance. Yet, history shows with no doubt, that good nutrition and clean water and plumbing are what have saved us from disease. The rates of infectious disease and their complications dropped dramatically, well before the vaccine program got into full swing, even though the pharmaceutical industry likes to take credit for it.
What is most disturbing is that there are almost 300 new vaccines set to come on the market, and public health policy is pushing to mandate vaccine compliance. Yet, history shows with no doubt, that good nutrition and clean water and plumbing are what have saved us from disease. The rates of infectious disease and their complications dropped dramatically, well before the vaccine program got into full swing, even though the pharmaceutical industry likes to take credit for it.
Note that Canada adheres to a vaccine schedule which is similar to that of the USA, as designed by the CDC. It has been revealed that the CDC has a history of corruption and conflict of interest.
this is what happened
The number of children suffering with chronic illness, autoimmune disease, and neurological injury has risen, right in step with nutrient-depleted chemical ridden food, corporate sponsored nutrition advice that is simply wrong, toxic agricultural chemicals, and an insanely increasing vaccination schedule. Sprinkle well with glyphosate (Roundup) and you get the picture.
"Childhood diseases are either mild or non-existent when parents practice the kind of good nutrition that we advocate. Diets rich in vitamins A and C can protect children against disease much better than vaccinations, and with side effects that are good, never harmful. Public health policy should be aimed at accurate information about nutrition, not the promotion of vaccinations that actually suppress the immune system and often have tragic side effects."
It’s been declared that today’s children are the first generation whose parents will outlive them.
"For the first time in history…children are sicker than the generation before them. They’re not just a little worse off, they are precipitously worse off
physically, emotionally, educationally and developmentally."
physically, emotionally, educationally and developmentally."
Judy Converse, MPH, RD, LD
All of this can be discouraging, but please read on
to the end and see how we can help to turn this around!
to the end and see how we can help to turn this around!
- Autism – increased about 200 times in the last fifteen years; at least 1/50 in USA, similar in Canada
- Over 27% of children fall short on at least one measure of physical, emotional or cognitive development when entering kindergarten.
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) – 10%
- Learning Disability – 1/6
- Severe Mood Dysregulation (eg bipolar disorder) – 1/30
- Seizure Disorders - 1/15
- Ear Infections – 50% of 2-3 yr olds since birth
- All Allergies increased six times since 1980
- Anaphylactic Food Allergies – doubled in the last decade
- Allergic Eczema – 1/5
- Asthma – 1/8 or more; 10% of Canadians 2-7 yrs old
- Obesity – tripled since 1980; 25% of Canadian children are overweight or obese
- Juvenile Diabetes – more than 100% increase since 1980
Again, researchers predict that in 15 years, half of all children in North America will have autism (80% of boys).

Worried, exhausted parents meet themselves coming and going to appointments as they try to sort out their children's illnesses and cope with their cruelly complicated lives.

Food isn't food anymore. The automatic standard is to serve processed crap food at celebrations, school events, school cafeterias and hospitals. Fundraisers are done with doughnuts and chocolate bars.
truly nourishing food should be available everywhere
Our society offers woefully little support to parents who are trying to help their chronically ill children. Conventional medicine just doesn't get it. Prescriptions are given out like candy to children. No healing comes from this as drugs don't resolve the underlying reasons for illness. A healthy gut microbiome has long been identified as pivotal to healing, but the focus on food as medicine isn't there with our public health policies, the food industry, or even with most people in general.
Overwhelmed, busy parents with sick kids often become more informed than the 'experts' in their desperate search for healing. Many have seen profound improvements with real food healing therapies like the GAPS protocol.
My family has eaten a WAPF Wise Traditions diet for several years, and I have done the GAPS gut-healing protocol as well. I know my way around a farm kitchen. Let me assure you that it is demanding to take this on, even for someone like me who has the gift of time in my retirement. It's unrealistic to think that working parents who are taxed to the max with chronically ill children have the time, energy and knowledge to jump in and take on this complete lifestyle change. They need trusted and easily accessed sources of ready made healing foods like nourishing meat/bone broths, fermented foods, as well as pastured raw butter, cream, lard, tallow, farm fresh eggs, etc.
Overwhelmed, busy parents with sick kids often become more informed than the 'experts' in their desperate search for healing. Many have seen profound improvements with real food healing therapies like the GAPS protocol.
My family has eaten a WAPF Wise Traditions diet for several years, and I have done the GAPS gut-healing protocol as well. I know my way around a farm kitchen. Let me assure you that it is demanding to take this on, even for someone like me who has the gift of time in my retirement. It's unrealistic to think that working parents who are taxed to the max with chronically ill children have the time, energy and knowledge to jump in and take on this complete lifestyle change. They need trusted and easily accessed sources of ready made healing foods like nourishing meat/bone broths, fermented foods, as well as pastured raw butter, cream, lard, tallow, farm fresh eggs, etc.
Food was never meant to be rocket science
What is needed is simply the nutrient-dense foods of our healthy ancestors. Foods that, not so long ago were the norm! It's nothing short of criminal that food has been morphed into a health detriment and that healing, traditional food isn't widely available for us all, most especially for the families trying to heal their sick children. We must do better than this.
too little too late?
Of course there are positive changes happening, like the rapid growth in organic food production, farmers markets and farm-to-table groups. Many health food stores stock special foods, but you won't find much, if any, of these traditional healing foods in regular grocery stores. There are real food restaurants springing up, but often the focus is on fine dining, which is only of limited use to harried families with special needs children. There's a new and successful fast food chain in the USA called The Organic Coup. Their vision: an organic takeover of the fast food industry - very encouraging!
Things are improving, but much too slowly. What's needed is a sea change. As more and more children fall into this epidemic of illness, the sad truth is that the demand for real food and its powers of healing and prevention of disease will continue to grow and far outpace what's available and easily accessed.
Things are improving, but much too slowly. What's needed is a sea change. As more and more children fall into this epidemic of illness, the sad truth is that the demand for real food and its powers of healing and prevention of disease will continue to grow and far outpace what's available and easily accessed.
BE AN ACTIVIST for parents and for the CHILDREN
Learn what Weston A. Price Foundation® Wise Traditions eating and healing arts are all about. Teach young people to cook! Eat like our ancestors did, before the corporate takeover of food and health that has resulted in the demise of our children's well-being. Join the millions of people the world over who rely on nurturing therapies, like homeopathy (including the Royal Family - they drink raw milk, too!). Advocate for accurate government food guides.
Advocate for honesty in medicine. Demand transparent safety studies of vaccines be done independently, free of any conflict of interest. Demand that laws restricting pharmaceutical liability for vaccine injury be struck down. Fight hard against vaccine mandates. Educate yourself and your loved ones before making decisions around any conventional medical intervention, especially vaccines.
Support your local farmer in regenerative, holistic farming. Tell your grocer you want local, non-GMO, clean food.
Use Social Media. Spread the word and share articles that make sense to you about why we are in this crisis, and that offer solutions. Don't limit facebook to funny posts about cats and pictures of those you love (I do that, too, and I'm not stopping anytime soon!). Be bold and also share information that will help the children.
this is urgent
This isn't a controversial issue. It's real and we're running out of time to turn this around. Ask any teacher, health care professional, child care worker - the children are in big trouble and we need to step up.
It is hard to imagine how parents and society in general will even function unless this exponential rate of illness is turned around.
It really doesn't matter at this point, where the blame is to be placed for the failing health of our children. This crisis cannot be resolved through arguing, posturing, and the polarizing of opinions, especially over hot topics like vaccines. Using the Precautionary Principle could never be more appropriate.
What matters is to look at how things were before this crisis in children's health happened and find out where we went wrong. History is always the best teacher. In this instance, it has shown us, in spades, what not to do.
It is hard to imagine how parents and society in general will even function unless this exponential rate of illness is turned around.
It really doesn't matter at this point, where the blame is to be placed for the failing health of our children. This crisis cannot be resolved through arguing, posturing, and the polarizing of opinions, especially over hot topics like vaccines. Using the Precautionary Principle could never be more appropriate.
What matters is to look at how things were before this crisis in children's health happened and find out where we went wrong. History is always the best teacher. In this instance, it has shown us, in spades, what not to do.
So, let's turn this around.
Take it up a step from the ideas for advocacy listed above.
There may never be a more important and more
urgently needed legacy.
urgently needed legacy.
If you have the financial means to help change things around for the children and families going through this horrid time of epidemic illness, please consider the following ideas:
- Invest in the development of healing centres in your community where proven treatments like CEASE Therapy, Homeopathy, GAPS, Chiropractic, and a host of healthy and nurturing alternative therapies can be readily accessed by children and their families. Make food as medicine the focus. Offer reliable nutrition education and real food traditional cooking classes.
- Consider donating to support the many educational and advocacy initiatives of the non-profit Weston A. Price Foundation®.
- If you have land that is idle, or that your children aren't into taking on, consider gifting or leasing it to young farmers who don't have the means to buy land, but who have learned all about regenerative organic farming practices. They are just looking for a place to make healthy change happen.
- Invest in real food restaurants - here's a great example. Make restaurant food, especially fast food, highly nourishing just as it once was when it was local, organic and prepared with healthy traditional fats. What better way to build local economies and help resolve pollution and climate issues, than to source all food from area farmers who use non-toxic agriculture. Help to put an end to CAFO's and the inhumane treatment of animals by supporting local farmers who raise their animals traditionally on pasture, with care and compassion.
- Invest in teaching farms where holistic regenerative methods of food production can be taught to school children and communities.
we can do this!
Let's get back to Wise Traditions in food and healing that have sustained humans in good health, all except for the last seventy years!
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Linda Morken, WAPFTM Volunteer Chapter Leader in Sooke, British Columbia, Canada
[email protected]
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