Moms are getting kicked out of Facebook groups for bringing up the V-word (and no, it's not vagina)! I've heard from so many young moms lately who have been shamed and dumped from parenting support groups. Their crime? They just want to discuss what WAPF rightly says is the most important decision they will ever make for their child: VACCINES. Seriously! How have we gotten to this place? How have some young parents allowed themselves to be so programmed and lulled away from reality, to think that it is OK to censor each other as if they are obediently following some corporate edict or sales pitch? Is this the modern day version of book burning when discussions about vaccines are NOT ALLOWED? This discord is so extreme, it has even resulted in a British Columbia mother launching a petition to Adrian Dix, Minister of Health, demanding that vaccines be mandated in BC schools. This uninformed mom is obviously unaware that because of our Charter of Rights and Freedoms, vaccines cannot be mandated in Canada without changing our Constitution. What she is naively demanding is essentially that medical tyranny be installed in place of informed consent and our right to bodily autonomy. It's hard to fathom how one mother feels she can appoint herself as dictator of the personal health decisions of an entire province of other parents and their children. And what is even harder to fathom, is that many people have jumped on board and signed her petition (almost 29,000 and counting). It's really baffling that this petition is getting all kinds of press - well maybe not all that baffling. Please sign and share this petition that was launched by a British Columbia father of a vaccine injured child. This petition states that parents should maintain the right to choose what happens to their children. And rightfully so! Censorship is Alive and Well Not only is there a trend happening where pro-vaccine parents are editing out other parents should they wish to discuss vaccines, Facebook appears to be bowing to increased calls for censorship of "anti-vax" content: Pinterest already doesn't allow users to pin any articles from the Weston A. Price Foundation website, even if they are not vaccine related. This attempt to shut down discussion about vaccines has resulted in many sites featuring vaccine choice/safety awareness to set up pages and groups on MeWe, in preparation for the eventual possibility of getting the boot off Facebook. WAPF will continue to post content on Facebook for now, but followers are requested to join and follow the foundation on MeWe: Vaccine Choice Canada has set up a group page on MeWe as well: The site formerly known as Healthy Alternatives to Vaccines has changed its Facebook name to The Healthy Alternatives and they have a new back up location on MeWe, too: What forces are at work that would cause social media to limit freedom of speech? How can so many parents turn on each other so easily and with such venom? A couple of things come to mind. First, let's look at Mainstream Media. MSM: A vehicle used by the vaccine industry for advertising. Mandate: Fear Monger, Lie, Promote Vaccine Compliance. Headlines are in every newspaper across Canada telling us that everyone must vaccinate - there is a measles outbreak, heaven help us all! Mainstream media purposefully misinforms and hypes up fear of disease. Please remember that just a few decades ago, EVERYONE got the measles, including me, my siblings, all of my cousins and friends. We had 'outbreaks' on every few blocks that were larger than the eight or so cases reported in today's papers in Vancouver. We were well nourished with nutrient-dense food* (cod liver oil was every mother's go to) and honestly, measles was just a few days of mild illness. Our outbreak didn't make the national news with pictures of our naked bodies covered in mild rashes. Our parents weren't scared out of their wits. They knew how to treat mild childhood illnesses. To come down with measles was a natural part of being a child, and science has now shown us that these mild childhood diseases educate the immune system and protect newborn's via mother's milk, as well as offer protection from various serious diseases, like cancer, later in life. It's important to note that the massive reduction in cases of infectious disease in North America coincides with improved plumbing, hygiene and living conditions, and nourishing food, not with the introduction of the vaccine schedule. Take a look at this graph and notice that vaccines were introduced AFTER the incidence of infectious disease had very significantly declined. What must be admitted by our health officials, is that vaccination is a two hundred year old mistake. But instead, standard policy is to push for greater vaccinate compliance to an ever increasing schedule of liability-free vaccines. Children in the 1950's received 14 doses of 5 vaccines - now it is 64 or more doses of 16 vaccines. Less than 6% of adults are up to date with their vaccinations. An adult immunization program is about to commence in full force. The FDA admits that maternal vaccines are untested and unlicensed, yet they are already in use in Canada with Health Canada focused on developing maternal compliance strategies. The Globe & Mail Works to Keep Del Bigtree Out Recent articles that advocate for the elimination of informed consent and the loss of our right to freedom of speech in the Globe & Mail are a prime examples of the unethical lengths 'journalists' will now go to in order to meet corporate policy as set by their vaccine industry sponsors. So influential was the article by Carly Weeks, that it precipitated vaccine choice and safety advocate, Del Bigtree, being banned from speaking at the April Toronto Total Health Show. The Globe's censorship strategies have backfired big time. Thanks to the work of Ms. Weeks, thousands more Canadians now know who this international pro vaccine choice advocate named Del Biftree is. Despite being cut from the health show, we can look forward to Del presenting his message to Canadians another way - and to a much larger audience. Ted Kuntz, one of Canada's most respected and informed vaccine choice advocates, has written a letter to the Globe about the whole fiasco -- it is probably the most important letter for any parent to read, and certainly for any physician or public health official to read on the topic of vaccines in today's Canada. Note that included in Ted's letter is a body of information and published scientific research that reveals the current state of vaccine safety. It explains the recognized ability of vaccine ingredients to cause neurological and immunological harm. Here is an excerpt from Ted's letter: "The undisputed fact is we are experiencing “a failing state of children’s health.” This is not my opinion; rather it is the conclusion of A Report for Children First Canada – August 2018. There is an explosion of allergic/anaphylactic diseases, autoimmune diseases, mental illness, and cancers that now afflict infants and children on a scale never before seen. This is especially evident in the epidemic increase in neurological disorders including autism, learning disabilities, ADHD, and seizure disorders. 1 in 6 children has a learning disability 1 in 8 children has asthma 1 in 10 children has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 1 in 20 children has a seizure disorder 1 in 30 children has a mental disorder There is compelling evidence, much of it developed in the last ten years, that the injection of vaccine ingredients is contributing to the significant and permanent injury, even death of our infants and children. The level of public concern with the current vaccination practice has reached a crisis and the amount of scientific evidence of serious injury from vaccine policies and practices is now so compelling, that to continue ignoring it is morally unacceptable, even criminal, and can no longer be tolerated. Needless-to-say, to accelerate the current vaccine practice by eliminating the right of parents to make informed decisions for their children, and to impose the injection of these complex biochemical ingredients with known risks of neuroimmune injuries and autoimmune disorders into healthy individuals would only add to the injuries and deaths of our children. We believe children have a right to be healthy, and that includes those who would be injured by vaccines. The Globe and Mail ought to be insisting that all children have the right to be healthy." Read the complete letter and see for yourself if you can understand WHY anyone would call for open dialogue about the serious issue of vaccines to be shut down, or to deceive the public with misinformation in the media, let alone push to have vaccines mandated. Is no one left to stand up for the children but the parents of those already vaccine injured or dead? These parents only want to warn other parents of the very real consequences of vaccine injury that they live with everyday. These vaccine choice and safety advocates know the vital importance of fully informed consent, and only wish that someone had given them that gift of knowledge before it was too late for their child. These parents, who unlike the passionate, but misinformed author of the petition to mandate vaccines, know that if we give away our rights to bodily autonomy, we are lost. Now let's look at Health Canada's role in this calamity. Health Canada: A vehicle used by the sickness industry. Mandate: Rubber-stamp policies set by other agencies on high. No conversation about vaccines (if we are allowed to have one!) is complete without the acknowledgement that glyphosate is present in vaccines. This article published in the Journal of Biological Physics and Chemistry, states, “Most disturbing is the presence of glyphosate in many popular vaccines including the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine, which we have verified here for the first time.” Do not think it worthwhile to produce belief by concealing evidence, for the evidence is sure to come to light. ~ Bertrand Russell If Health Canada is deeply concerned that we are witnessing a catastrophic collapse of children's health, they are not making much noise about it. New feel-good care facilities spring up all over for treatment, and services for ill and disabled children is a true growth industry in typical band aid style conventional medicine. When it is estimated that one in two children will have autism by 2025, wouldn't you say we have a NATIONAL CRISIS? Why isn't every possible reason for this being thoroughly investigated? Why is glyphosate** still used in Canada, when it is banned in many countries. Did Health Canada fail to notice that millions of dollars were awarded to a US victim of cancer ruled to be caused by the use of glyphosate? Why isn't there a moratorium on vaccines if there is even a hint that they could be part of this catastrophe? Informed parents and those who have seen the cruel reality of vaccine injury know that there is more than a hint of evidence. The $4 Billion in payouts for vaccine injury and death in the US vaccine courts should be a clue for our health officials. Today's parents didn't make this mess of failing health in children. It started long before any of us were born. Beginning in the early 1900's, the world's first billionaires invested deeply in university education and research. Mighty strings were attached to these 'altruistic' donations, in order to advance the use of pharmaceutical medicine. Subsequently, the American Medical Association was established to further the pharmaceutical model of medicine and holistic and successful non-toxic models of healing were debased and excluded from AMA membership. Disrespect of alternative therapies, like homeopathy, still happens today in our media. Fraud and manipulation of data have become the cornerstones of the patent drug industry. Despite this widely known fact, vaccine industry promotion of their products remains the basis of Canada's public health policies. But we are not supposed to talk about that. If your vaccine choices leave you feeling censored within your social media groups, or even with your friends or family, I wholeheartedly recommend that you consider becoming part of the non-profit Weston A. Price Foundation. WAPF, together with their initiative, Nourishing Our Children. Timeless principles for supporting health through optimal nutrition sans toxins are what we are all about. WAPF is THE most viewed alternative nutrition website on the Internet. WAPF gets the big picture of what it takes to raise a healthy child, and importantly they encourage and support information sharing on all issues related to health and well being - even on topics that start with the letter V! Education and mutual support, along with the freedom to discuss issues, and make our own informed choices is EVERYTHING. WHAT CAN WE DO? Along with signing and sharing the above petition, please join in the letter writing campaign to Health Canada and to your MLA's/local health authorities. Please send your letter both by email and paper copy if you can - fax, too if possible. Ask those who can make a difference for the health of all children in Canada to be accountable for the health of BC's children - politely demand that they to take action NOW. What follows is a list of talking points that you may wish to include in your letter. Vaccine Safety Ted Kuntz's letter includes a body of information and published scientific research that reveals the current state of vaccine safety. It explains the recognized ability of vaccine ingredients to cause neurological and immunological harm - bring any of these points and references into your letter. Physicians for Informed Consent has good materials on measles and MMR. Facebook: Glyphosate is found in vaccines, as well as in most non-organic and processed foods: FDA Hides_Information_on_Glyphosate_in_Vaccines The Right to Voluntary, Informed Consent The Canadian Medical Association Code of Ethics affirms the right of the parent to “make informed decisions about their medical care” and to “accept or reject any medical care recommended.” Canadian Medical Law enshrines the individual’s right to voluntary, informed consent to medical risk taking as a foundational medical ethic. Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms including the guaranteed freedoms of conscience and religion and the legal right to security of the person. International Conventions to which Canada is signatory, including: a. The Nuremberg Code, and Helsinki Accords which defend the basic human right to the Informed Consent ethic, and reject the moral argument that the creation of alleged benefits for the many (“herd immunity”) justifies the sacrifice of the few. b. The UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, Consent: “Any preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior, free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information. The consent should, where appropriate, be expressed and may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason without disadvantage or prejudice.” Vaccine Injury Compensation Canada and Russia are the only OECD countries that have NO compensation program for vaccine injuries. Mandating liability-free vaccines which carry medical risks cannot be considered without a national compensation program in place. Herd Immunity - A Failed Theory, Not Scientific Fact Herd immunity in vaccinated populations is a failed theory, not scientific fact. Highly vaccinated populations still get measles, mumps, chickenpox and whooping cough because of first and secondary vaccine failure. Furthermore, fully vaccinated people can have subclinical infections and can unknowingly infect others, especially the very young and medically fragile. Truth in Mainstream Media Again, refer to Ted's letter regarding dishonest media reporting regarding vaccine safety, and the use of hype and fear mongering that is permitted and encouraged by health officials. Additional Resources for Information on Vaccines: Dare to Question - One Parent to Another by Ted Kuntz Weston A. Price Foundation - Vaccinations Vaccine Choice Canada Vaccines, Autoimmunity, and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness, by Thomas Cowan MD Please join and support Vaccine Choice Canada. There is no better group that strives to empower parents to make informed choices around vaccines, and that fights to preserve our health freedoms -- especially freedom from enforced medication. Resources for Child Health and Wellness:
The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care, by Sally Fallon Morell and Thomas S. Cowan How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor, by Robert S. Mendelsohn MD Weston A. Price Foundation - Health Topics Weston A. Price Foundation - Homeopathy Nourishing Our Children *What are Nutrient-Dense Foods: Foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals, especially key nutrients including Vitamins A, D, and K2, Choline, DHA, Zinc, Tryptophan and Cholesterol. These nutrients are found in the meat, organs, butter and egg yolks from grass-fed animals, while some are found in seafoods, including cod liver oil. Vitamins A and D are found exclusively in seafood, butterfat and organ meats. Dr. Price’s research demonstrated that humans achieve perfect physical form and perfect health generation after generation only when they consume nutrient-dense whole foods and the vital fat-soluble activators found exclusively in animal fats. Nourishing Our Children - How the Teeth Tell the Tale Weston A. Price Foundation Blog: The Eleventh Hour **More information on glyphosate: Stephanie Seneff was one of the first to ring the alarm bells about glyphosate and its association with the incidence of vaccine injury. Glyphosate is found in almost all processed foods, and despite evidence and warnings from top scientists the world over, our government is not taking a firm stand to ban its use. Glyphosate is found in vaccines, as well as in most non-organic and processed foods: FDA Hides_Information_on_Glyphosate_in_Vaccines Jeffrey Smith Best Article on Glyphosate Podcast Interview Stephanie Seneff: Glyphosate Weed Killer Hurts People Too Please support the work we do. Become a member of the non-profit Weston A. Price Foundation today! Get the Basics of the Wise Traditions Diet for vibrant health for every age of life, including the next generation. You will LOVE these half hour interviews featuring outstanding guests sharing their knowledge about health, food and farming! Wise Traditions Podcasts
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AuthorLinda Morken, WAPFTM Volunteer Chapter Leader in Sooke, British Columbia, Canada Check out our FACEBOOK page!
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