My hope is that this recap accomplishes two things. One is that it offers a clear, evidence-based overview of why WAPF recommends a Wise Traditions diet, and two is that it reveals, with little uncertainty the reason for the title, "The Eleventh Hour."
Sally is also the founder of A Campaign for Real Milk, which has as its goal universal access to clean raw milk from pasture-fed animals. She is the author of the best-selling cookbook Nourishing Traditions (with Mary G. Enig, PhD); The Nourishing Traditions Book of Baby & Child Care (with Thomas S. Cowan, MD); Nourishing Broth (with Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, CCN); and Nourishing Fats. Visit her Nourishing Traditions blog. She is co-owner of the P.A. Bowen Farmstead ( in Maryland, an integrated farm that not only supplies high-quality, pasture-fed products, but also could potentially act as an engine for the economic revitalization of the whole region. Her farm is Raw Milk Institute-listed (RAWMI), which means that it follows RAWMI Common Standards for raw milk production, and was the first licensed raw milk farm in Maryland (2015), providing farm-fresh, unprocessed dairy products to residents of their state. Now, let's get into what Sally covered in her Pacific Rim College Workshop: Achieving Optimal Health Through Nourishing Traditional Diets Sally gave the history of American nutrition research pioneer Dr. Weston Price (1870-1948) and the foundation that bears his name (btw, Dr. Price was born in Canada!). Dr. Price authored peer reviewed studies and several books (including Nutrition & Physical Degeneration) and he has been called the Isaac Newton of Nutrition. After seeing a substantial increase in dental caries, malformed jaw and facial features, and noticing that these things were always accompanied by weakened resistance to disease and diminishing health in his patients, Dr. Price did an astonishing thing. He closed his practice and for over ten years in the 1920's and '30's he travelled the world to do research to find out what could be causing this degeneration he witnessed. Dr. Price conducted studies of 14 isolated groups of people in remote areas from the Swiss Alps to the Polynesian Islands, from Alaska and Canada to Scotland and Africa. His research showed that in just one generation after switching from traditional foods to westernized denatured foods, devastating health consequences followed. Sally outlined the key components of a healthy diet, based upon by Dr. Price's incredible research of the 1930's, and upon the science-backed evidence provided by WAPF. Dr. Price extensively studied soil fertility and its relationship to the nutrient content of foods. WAPF has shown that mono-culture is not sustainable, nor is the practice of feeding grazing animals an unnatural diet of mono-cultured crops of GM soy and corn. If properly managed, grazing animals sustain soil fertility just the way nature designed. If the nutrients and minerals are in the soil, then they will also be in our food. ![]() Dr. Price’s research demonstrated that humans achieve perfect physical form and perfect health generation after generation only when they consume nutrient-dense whole foods and the vital fat-soluble activators found exclusively in animal fats. In one generation, after the traditional diet was displaced with the 'foods of commerce' as he called them, cavities and structural deformities were documented by Dr. Price. GROWTH: Vitamin K2 plays important role, especially in facial development. (Signs of deficiency: underdevelopment of middle third of the face and dental deformities.) THE FAT-SOLUBLE ACTIVATORS A and D
"A question arises as to the efficiency of the human body in removing all of the minerals from the ingested foods. Extensive laboratory determinations have shown that most people cannot absorb more than half of the calcium and phosphorus from the foods eaten. The amounts utilized depend directly on the presence of other substances, particularly fat-soluble vitamins.
It is at this point probably that the greatest breakdown in our modern diet takes place, namely, in the ingestion and utilization of adequate amount of the special activating substances, including the vitamins [A and D] needed for rendering the minerals in the food available to the human system. It is possible to starve for minerals that are abundant in the foods eaten because they cannot be utilized without an adequate quantity of the fat-soluble activators." Weston Price, DDS Nutrition and Physical Degeneration VITAMIN A is NEEDED FOR: Protein assimilation, calcium assimilation, proper growth, prevention of birth defects, proper function of the glands, thyroid function, immune system function, production of stress and sex hormones, eyes, skin, bones. Even under optimal conditions, plant sources of carotene cannot supply sufficient vitamin A for optimum health. VITAMIN K2 It was present in the diets of all the healthy population groups he studied but unfortunately has almost completely disappeared from the modern western diet. Note that it isn't found in the milk from cows fed cottonseed meal or high protein soy-based feeds.
Goose, Duck and Chicken Fat, Crustacean “Butter” (Hepatopancreas), Bone Marrow, Other Organ Meats, Fish Eggs, Fermented Cod Liver Oil Sally taught about the following aspects of a healthy Wise Traditions diet, which I won't expand upon here. If you would like to read more about these topics, please see the Weston A. Price Foundation web page and its companion page, Nourishing Our Children for links to referenced articles on each topic.
SUMMARY - Achieving Optimal Health Through
Nourishing Traditional Diets
And this brings us to Sally's next topic: A Campaign for Real Milk Nothing could be further from the truth. Raw milk is inherently safe and the perfect food for almost everyone — especially growing children! Evidence of the Safety of Raw Milk
Built-In Protective Systems in Raw Milk
Lactoperoxidase HYDROGEN PEROXIDE: Uses small amounts of H2O2 and free radicals to seek out and destroy pathogens WIDESPREAD: In all mammalian secretions—breast milk, tears, etc. HIGHER IN ANIMAL MILK: Lactoperoxidase levels 10 times higher in goat milk than in breast milk ALTERNATIVE TO PASTEURIZATION: Other countries are looking into using lactoperoxidase instead of pasteurization to ensure safety of commercial milk British Journal of Nutrition (2000), 84, Suppl. 1. S19-S25.
Indian Journal Exp Biology Vol. 36, August 1998, pp 808-810. 1991 J Dairy Sci 74:783-787 Life Sciences, Vol 66, No 23, pp 2433-2439, 2000 Lactoferrin
PLENTIFUL in raw milk; effectiveness reduced by pasteurization1 STEALS IRON away from pathogens and carries it through the gut wall into the blood stream; stimulates the immune system1 TB: In a study involving mice bred to be susceptible to tuberculosis, treatment with lactoferrin significantly reduced the burden of tuberculosis organisms.2 CANDIDA: Mice injected with Candida albicans, another iron-loving organism, had increased survival time when treated with lactoferrin.3 WEIGHT LOSS: Believed to cut visceral fat levels up to 40%4 BENEFITS: Many other health benefits—is sold as a supplement! 1. British J Nutrition, 2000;84(Suppl. 1):S11-S17.
2. J Experimental Med, 2002 DEC 02;196(11):1507-1513. 3. Infection and Immunity, 2001 JUN;69(6):3883-3890. 4. MSN-Mainichi Daily News, 2007 APR 11. Components of Blood
LEUKOCYTES—Eat all foreign bacteria, yeast and molds (phagocytosis). Destroyed at 56C and by pumping milk. Produce H2O2 to activate the lacto-peroxidase system. Produce anaerobic CO2 that blocks all aerobic microbes. Basis of immunity. B-LYMPHOCYTES – Kill foreign bacteria; call in other parts of the immune system1,2 MACROPHAGES – Engulf foreign proteins and bacteria2 NEUTROPHILS – Kill infected cells; mobilize other parts of the immune system1 T-LYMPHOCYTES – Multiply if bad bacteria are present; produce immune-strengthening compounds1 IMMUNOGLOBULINS (IgM, IgA, IgG1, IgG2)--Transfer of immunity from cow to calf/person in milk and especially colostrum; provides “passive immunization”2 ANTIBODIES—Bind to foreign microbes and prevent them from migrating outside the gut; initiate immune response. Scientific American, December 1995.
2. British J of Nutrition, 2000:84(Suppl. 1):S3-S10, S75-S80, S81-S89, S135-136. Fats and Carbohydrates
POLYSACCHARIDES—Encourage the growth of good bacteria in the gut; protect the gut wall OLIGOSACCHARIDES – Protect other components from being destroyed by stomach acids and enzymes; bind to bacteria and prevent them from attaching to the gut lining; other functions just being discovered.1,2 MEDIUM-CHAIN FATTY ACIDS—Disrupt cell walls of bad bacteria; levels so high in goat milk that the test for the presence of antibiotics had to be changed; may reduce intestinal injury and protect the liver.3 PHOSOLIPIDS and SPINGOLIPIDS—bind to intestinal cells, prevent absorption of pathogens and toxins.3 Spingolipids are important components in cell membranes, protect cells against toxins, support digestion and protect against cancer. 1. British J Nutrition, 2000:84(Suppl. 1):S3-S10.
2. Scientific American, December 1995. 3. International Dairy Journal 2006 16:1374-1382 and 1362-1373 4. Spingolipids and Cancer,; Koopman, J S, et al, AJPH, 1984, 74:12:1371-1373 Other Bioactive Components
ENZYMES, e.g. Complement & Lysozyme—Disrupt bacterial cell walls. Complement destroyed at 56C; Lysozyme at 90C.1,2 HORMONES & GROWTH FACTORS– Stimulate maturation of gut cells; prevent “leaky” gut.2 MUCINS – Adhere to bacteria and viruses, preventing those organisms from attaching to the mucosa and causing disease.1,2 FIBRONECTIN – Increases anti-microbial activity of macrophages and helps to repair damaged tissues.1 GLYCOMACROPEPTIDE – Inhibits bacterial/viral adhesion, suppresses gastric secretion, and promotes bifido-bacterial growth; supports immune system. 3 1. British J Nutrition, 2000:84(Suppl. 1):S3-S10.
2. Scientific American, December 1995. 3. British J Nutrition, 2000:84(Suppl. 1):S3-S10, S39-S46 BENEFICIAL BACTERIA– Lactobacilli and bifidus bacteria, crowd out bad bacteria, product lactic acid that kills bad bacteria.
BIFIDUS FACTOR– Promotes growth of Lactobacillus bifidus, a helpful bacteria in baby’s gut, which helps crowd out dangerous germs1,2 B12 BINDING PROTEIN– Reduces Vitamin B12 in the colon, which harmful bacteria need for growth1 LACTOGLOBULINS: Carry vitamins A and D and possibly other nutrients.3 1. Scientific American, December 1995.
2., British J Nutrition, 2000:84(Suppl. 1):S3-S10, S39-S46. 3. FEBS Journal 2009 276:2251-2265. Breast Milk Contains Pathogens
MISCONCEPTION: Until recently, the medical profession claimed that breast milk was sterile. PATHOGENS: We now know that breast milk contains pathogens, often at very high levels. IMMUNITY FOR LIFE: The bioactive components in milk program the baby to have immunity for life to any pathogens he comes in contact with. PASTEURIZE BREAST MILK? Should mothers be required to pasteurize their own milk before giving it to their babies? DISCRIMINATION: Yet laws prevent mothers from obtaining raw milk to feed their babies should their own supply be inadequate. J Appl Microbiol. 2003;95(3):471-8.
Neonatal Netw. 2000 Oct;19(7)21-5; various medical journals… There have been about 28 cases of hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) associated (associated, not proven) with raw milk during the past 10 years. There are 7,500 cases of HUS per year, the vast majority not in any way associated with raw milk but caused by other foods. Should these other foods be banned also? Many babies who are failing to thrive have their lives saved by raw milk. Children are the very ones who need raw milk the most. About 1,250 people in the US die from food-borne pathogens from ALL sources. (No deaths from raw milk). We have the technology today to ensure that all raw milk is safe–if health officials would stop opposing it, and join with us to have reasonable standards, we could reduce the incidence of HUS associated with raw milk to close to zero. These technologies involve rapid testing on the farm that is accurate, easy and inexpensive. SUMMARY - Evidence of the Safety of Raw Milk
Although raw milk, like any food, can become contaminated and cause illness, the dangers of raw milk are greatly exaggerated. In an analysis of reports on 70 outbreaks attributed to raw milk, we found many examples of reporting bias, errors and poor analysis resulting in most outbreaks having either no valid positive milk sample or no valid statistical association (Response to Marler List of Studies).
Protective Components - Raw milk contains numerous components that assist in:
Scientific American, Dec 1995; British J of Nutrition, 2000:84(Suppl. 1):S3-S10, S75-S80, S81-S89. How Does Raw Milk Improve Human Health? Asthma & Allergy Crisis
According to the CDC, asthma is the second most prevalent chronic condition among children. It results in approximately 14 million days of missed school each year. Asthma in children increased from 3.6% in 1980 to 7.5% in 1995, or approximately 5 million children.
What if we could prevent most of these cases through something as simple as offering raw milk in childhood?
CDC National Health Interview Survey Data
Exposure to farming in early life and development of asthma and allergy: a cross-sectional survey.
Summary: Long-term and early-life exposure to stables and [raw] farm milk induces a strong protective effect against development of asthma, hay fever, and atopic sensitization [rashes]. Lancet. 2001 Oct 6;358(9288):1129-33
Researchers in London concluded that children who even infrequently drank raw milk had significantly less current eczema symptoms and a greater reduction in atopy (allergic hypersensitivity).
J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2006 Jun;117(6):1374-81
In a study of 14,893 children aged 5-13, consumption of raw milk was the strongest factor in reducing the risk of asthma and allergy, whether the children lived on a farm or not.
The benefits were greatest when consumption of farm milk began during the first year of life. Clinical & Experimental Allergy. 2007 May; 35(5) 627-630
Children drinking raw milk had 41 percent less asthma and half the rate of hay fever. Boiling farm milk removed the protective effect. Protective effect linked to whey proteins in milk, which are damaged by heat.
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Online August 29, 2011
About 5,500 people in the US die from asthma each year. About 1,250 people in the US die from food-borne pathogens from ALL sources. (No deaths from raw milk).
Thus, the risk of dying from asthma is over four times greater than the risk of dying from food-borne pathogens from ALL sources, and infinitely greater than the risk of dying from raw milk. Raw milk provides powerful protection against asthma, which kills 9 people per day in the US–many of them children. This video in this article explains the role of raw milk kefir in its unique healing impact on Crohn's Disease. What Does Raw Milk Have that Pasteurized Milk Does Not?
ACTIVATED ENZYMES: The enzymes in raw milk, when activated by the appropriate pH of the digestive tract, become activated and digest all the components in the milk.
NO WORK: The body’s digestive apparatus does not need to do any work to digest raw milk. CURATIVE, ENERGIZING: This is a major reason raw milk has such extraordinary healing and energizing powers. OVERBURDEN: Pasteurized milk puts a huge burden on the digestive apparatus and for many is impossible to digest. Results from a survey by Opinion Research Corporation (commissioned by the Weston A. Price Foundation) indicate that about 29 million Americans are diagnosed lactose intolerant.
Results from a private survey carried out in Michigan indicate that 82 percent of those diagnosed as lactose intolerant can drink raw milk without problem. Thus, almost 24 million Americans diagnosed as lactose intolerant could benefit from raw milk.
Milk allergy is usually attributed to casein intolerance. Pasteurization destroys L. lactis and other lactic-acid bacteria indigenous to milk. These bacteria produce enzymes that break down the casein molecule.
These findings suggest that raw milk could be consumed by those with milk allergy, including autistic children. We have received testimonials indicating that raw milk can be used to treat and even completely reverse symptoms of autism. Meisel and others. Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek. 1999;76(1-4):207-15
Lowered Nutrient Availability in Pasteurized Milk
Calcium: Longer and denser bones on raw milk. Studies from Randleigh Farms.
Folate: Carrier protein inactivated during pasteurization.
Gregory. J. Nutr. 1982, 1329-1338
Iron: Lactoferrin, which contributes to iron assimilation, destroyed during pasteurization.
Iodine: Lower in pasteurized milk. Wheeler and others.
J Dairy Sci. 1983;66(2):187-95
Minerals: Bound to proteins, inactivated by pasteurization; Lactobacilli, destroyed by pasteurization, enhance mineral absorption.
BJN 2000 84:S91-S98; MacDonald and others. 1985
Vitamin A: Beta-lactoglobulin, a heat-sensitive protein in milk, increases intestinal absorption of vitamin A. Heat degrades vitamin A. Said and others.
Am J Clin Nutr . 1989;49:690-694. Runge and Heger. J Agric Food Chem. 2000 Jan;48(1):47-55
Vitamin B6: Animal studies indicate B6 poorly absorbed from pasteurized milk. Studies from Randleigh Farms.
Vitamin B12: Binding protein inactivated by pasteurization.
Vitamin C: Raw milk but not pasteurized can resolve scurvy. “. . . Without doubt. . . the explosive increase in infantile scurvy during the latter part of the 19th century coincided with the advent of use of heated milks. . .”
Rajakumar, Pediatrics. 2001;108(4):E76
Vitamin D: Present in milk bound to lactoglobulins, pasteurization cuts assimilation in half.
Hollis and others. J Nutr. 1981;111:1240-1248; FEBS Journal 2009 2251-2265
SUMMARY - How Does Raw Milk Improve Human Health?
Research has shown that there is a very significant difference in the nutritional value of unpasteurized milk versus pasteurized milk.
Pasteurization of milk is one of the greatest
public health disasters in history. What’s at stake:
The health of millions of children worldwide. Raw milk during childhood can mean the difference between a healthy productive life and a miserable life. Sally's next topic: The Oiling of America The false cholesterol theory which caused Americans to abandon traditional whole foods and created an epidemic of chronic disease was presented. These topics were covered in detail: The History of the Diet-heart Theory of Heart Disease; Fraud and Manipulation in Medical Research; The vital role of Cholesterol in Human Health; Other Theories of Heart Disease. Evidence countering the demonization of saturated fat in current official food guides was discussed. The Many Roles of Saturated Fat
CELL MEMBRANES – should be 50% saturated fatty acids. BONES – Saturated fats help the body put calcium in the bones. HEART DISEASE – Lower Lp(a), a marker for heart disease. HEART FUNCTION – Saturated fats are preferred food for the heart. LIVER – Saturated fats protect the liver from alcohol & other poisons. LUNGS – Can’t function without saturated fats. KIDNEYS – Can’t function without saturated fats. IMMUNE SYSTEM – Enhanced by saturated fats. ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS – Work together with saturated fats. DETOXIFICATION – Supports body’s detox mechanisms
The remainder of Sally's workshop was devoted to the following three topics: How to Change Your Diet for the Better A step-by-step plan to put nourishing traditional foods — foods that your family will actually eat — back into your diet including easy breakfast cereals, soups, snack foods, high enzyme condiments and soft drinks that are actually good for you! Healthy Pregnancy A healthy pregnancy requires a nutrient-dense diet, avoidance of all drugs and medical interventions, and a bit of pampering. Special emphasis on the dangers of ultra-sound and pre-natal vaccinations. Strategies for Healthy Eating for Those Who Like to Cook and Those Who Never Cook Even if you don’t like to cook, you can still eat a healthy diet; and if you do like to cook, you’ll find it much more fun when you use the principles of nourishing traditional diets! If you would like to know more about these topics, check out these great WAPF resources: WAPF will provide you, for free, 7 Easy Lessons about the Wise Traditions Diet. Learn the Basics of the Wise Traditions Diet and Join Our Global Community.
Let's Wrap This Up In Conclusion I came away from Sally's workshop more fully understanding that Dr. Price accurately and ominously predicted that as westernized people consumed more refined sugar and substituted vegetable oils for animal fats, disease would increase and reproduction would be more difficult. True to his predictions, rates of cancer, infertility, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and degenerative diseases have skyrocketed. Today we consider it normal for children to need braces, to suffer from allergies and fatigue and to have difficulty focusing their attention. Today one child in 36 is on the autism spectrum (one in 28 of the boys). Statistical research shows that widespread chronic illness has become common only in the past 50 or so years, the same period during which highly processed foods and toxic chemicals have entered the food supply. This exponential increase in children with autism is predicted to reach half of all children (80% of the boys) by 2025. So, Why Did I Title this Article, "The Eleventh Hour?" You can probably guess. In conversation with Sally at the workshop, she said these words to me, "You know, we really are in the eleventh hour." We must heed Sally's warning -- we are indeed in the eleventh hour. She's right when she states that only the nutritionally wise will survive. It was truly heartwarming and hopeful to me to see in the classroom the many young faces of those studying to become health professionals, and to know that they are taking in the wisdom of our healthy ancestors and this crucial information about a WAPF Wise Traditions Lifestyle. As you have seen by the information that Sally presented, a pivotal part of the solution to our epidemic of chronic illness is food, specific foods (including raw milk) that Dr. Price's research shows us bring good health, high immunity to disease, strong bodies and minds, and every child's birthright to reach their full potential in health and happiness. Thank you, Sally Fallon Morell, for this life-changing workshop, and thank you, Pacific Rim College, for bringing Sally to Victoria. If we don’t change direction soon, we’ll end up where we’re going. ~ Irwin Corey Note: In Sally's blog, Nourishing Traditions, she has generously posted for download her PowerPoint presentations, along with her speaking notes.
Joan Reyda
3/17/2018 09:24:26 pm
Great summary! Thumbs up for Linda, and thank you for all your hard work.
Linda Morken
3/17/2018 10:37:51 pm
Thank you Joan - you're very kind!
Marianne Lightfoot
6/28/2018 07:52:20 am
Agree: What a great summary. And a reminder of the importance of all this well documented research.
Linda Morken
6/29/2018 10:46:59 am
Thanks Marianne! I could listen to Sally all day! She presents such an abundance of knowledge. Reliable facts together with traditional wisdom -- probably the best gift anyone can share. I'm very grateful for her work.
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AuthorLinda Morken, WAPFTM Volunteer Chapter Leader in Sooke, British Columbia, Canada Check out our FACEBOOK page!
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